Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Pertemuan 4

 Good morning students,

Hari ini materi yang harus dipelajari adalah Buku Paket Bahasa Inggris Chapter II halaman 19 sampai 23.

Setelah mempelajari, kerjakan tugas di halaman 24. Tulis di buku tugas kalian masing-masing. 

Jawaban disimpan sendiri. Dua hari lagi (Sabtu) kita akan bahasa bersama.

Good Luck.

Kunci jawaban soal buku paket hal 24



a. Yuli can make fried rice.
b. She can cry the egg nicely.
c. She can also serve fried rice beautiful with tomatoes and celery.

3). a. Many students can speak English well.

4). a. Fatima can sing very loudly.


a. Birds can fly.

b. We cannot fly.

c. We can make planes.

d. We can fly very high and go to far places with a plane.


a. We cannot swim across the sea.

b. We can go to other islands with a boat  or ship.


a. We can work together.

b. We can understand it easily if you do it together.


a. Anton can go up the stairs himself.

b. He can also go down easily.