Salin materi berikut ini di buku catatan Bahasa Inggris kamu. Catatan yang kamu buat akan diperiksa saat pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di sekolah.
A. Summary
1. Recount retells past events or experiences in the ordee they happened.
2. A recount consist of three main parts
• Orientation : this part introduces the scene
• Event : this part retells what happened
• Re-orientation (optional) : thus part tells the writer's comment about the events that happened
3. An example of a recount
• Orientation : Yusuf went to Maria circuit in thw morning to join a car race
• Event : He arrived at seven and directly checked up his engine. The raxe started at eight. At first he led the race and his car was broken.
• Re-orientation : He was very disappointed
4. Past tense is mostly used in recount
Contoh Recount Text
My Holiday